Is Your Car Really Ready For Emergencies?
Whether you use your car every day for your commute, are planning a long-distance drive, or want to take it on a road trip vacation You want to make sure that you’re ready for whatever the road has to throw at you. However, how able you are to deal with roadside emergencies is going to depend on not just your safety and smarts as a driver, but how well you prepare your car and what’s in it as well. Here we’re going to look at a few things you should be keeping on hand.
A way to get in touch with people
First of all, you should make sure that you’re always able to reach out for help. If you’re setting off on a long trip, make sure you have the number of a roadside assistance company or tow truck on your phone. Keep a phone in your glove compartment, and have a fully prepared portable phone charger ready to be used only in emergency events, where you don’t have the power you need to make a call.
A way to deal with injuries
In most cases, a roadside emergency happens as a result of breaking down, but sometimes you might take a nasty bump or even get an injury when you’re not in the car. Regardless, you want to make sure that you have a first-aid kit inside your car. It can help deal with things like abrasions and cuts, reducing your chances of getting an infection. Do remember that if someone seems badly injured, however, you should call the emergency services and not move them unless they are in immediate danger otherwise.
Getting back up and on the road
You might not have to wait for help depending on the nature of your roadside emergency. There are a lot of little issues you might be able to fix yourself. Keeping a car repair kit in your trunk, including things like jumper cables, could help you avoid some expenses. It’s always a good idea to pick up a spare from the tyre shop, as well. A lot of people get their trips cancelled by a burst tyre, but replacing your tyre is one of the first things you should learn as a driver.
Keep yourself safe
Breaking down is a hassle, but if you break down in low visibility conditions, such as at night time, it can be dangerous, too. High visibility gear can help you make yourself and your car a little safer. High-vis jackets can be worn to make yourself more visible, and you can get high-vis cones that can be placed around the vehicle, as well. If you’re in a place where there is nowhere but the road to stand, it’s a good idea to not be outside the vehicle too much, only stepping out to put down those cones.
You might not be able to stop an emergency from happening, but with the tips above, you can make sure that you have what you need to deal with it effectively.
This post is in collaboration, however all opinions are my own.
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